Monday’s Political Candidate Forum went very well. There was a good turn-out of citizens to get to know the current Mayor and Councilperson Candidates.
The event started at 5 pm sharp and ended earlier than the anticipated 6:30 pm deadline. All of the Candidates that attended introduced themselves and spoke of a few different topics on how to improve the City of Bald Knob. Each Candidate was given five questions with 2 minutes to answer each. Rotarian Vince Vire led as Moderator for the Mayor Candidates, and Mayor Barth Grayson led as Moderator for the Councilperson Candidates.
Mayor Candidates:
Mary Hodges
Christie Ford Thomason
Gary Looney
Councilperson Candidates:
Colby Leonard
Tammy Glaze
Shiloh Mallory Brown
David Smith
The event was closed with a Pizza Party courtesy of Mayor Barth Grayson’s Hillbilly Hay Store. Citizens and other city officials got to visit with one another and personally talk with the Candidates.
The video highlights of the Candidates are taking slightly longer to upload than expected due to file size. Because of the large file size, the video is being edited into short, manageable segments and will be available for viewing and sharing on October 26 by 5 pm or earlier.